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Value your business

Our wide experience of over 30 years in dealing with real company sales, rather than just the theory, puts us in an unparalleled position to provide robust company valuations. This service may be helpful for any number of reasons including:

  • While our primary focus is usually to maximise the sales price of a company, we often encounter the “softer” situation where a business owner seeks to sell to a management team and we can advise on the appropriate value (as well as the transaction itself).
  • Advising a management team considering the possibility of a management buy-out.
  • Assisting in the buy-in of a minority shareholding (including negotiation if required).
  • Valuation for Inland Revenue purposes such as company re-organisations.
  • Valuation for probates.
  • Equitable valuation for a merger.
  • Valuation for Employee Management Incentive purposes.
  • Valuation for other share options/issues to enfranchise key personnel/directors.
  • Sadly, we are frequently instructed to value shares for divorce purposes.